3 Stickers for October!
I love October. I love the idea of fall (although the summer heat is still here), and I love spookiness and Halloween. So to get into the spirit of the season, here are the three stickers we're featuring for October!
1) Marigold
The Marigold is the official flower of October, probably because it's always used in Dia De Los Muertos celebrations. (If you've seen COCO, one of the best movies ever, the bridge connecting the human world to the spirit world is made of these flowers). They're beautiful and a vibrant reminder of the connection between the living and those who have moved on.
2) Raven
Can you have October without Ravens? NEVER! Quote the Raven, it's finally her time to shine (or linger forebodingly in window frames). Edgar Allen Poe's famous poem has made this bird synonymous with both wisdom and foresight, but they're also clever individuals on their own. Nonetheless, they make for a fun reminder that spooky season is upon us!

3) Rosemary
This sticker has become popular as of late, and it makes sense since autumn also brings...soup season! Again, a great time of year. Fall soups are usually hearty and warm, making Rosemary the perfect herb to compliment the tender vegetables and soothing broths. With its healing properties, it also makes one feel a bit magical and, dare I say, witch - like?